Basic First Aid for the Workplace


The good health and resulting productivity of employees is one area that is often overlooked as a means of improving a company's profitability. Whether employees work in a high-hazard or low-hazard environment, they face a variety of risks. Shock, bleeding, poisonings, burns, temperature extremes, musculoskeletal injuries, bites and stings.

These risks are compounded when employees do not feel well. Their lack of concentration can result in costly injuries. If your employees are not prepared to handle these types of injuries on all shifts and their employees are left untreated until an ambulance arrives, a victim's condition may worsen and injuries can become far more debilitating, which leads to greater medical costs and lost productivity.

It makes good business sense to provide first aid and appropriate training to all your employees. By making such a minimal investment in keeping your employees safe and well-trained, the good health and resulting productivity of employees is one area that is often overlooked as a means of improving a company's profitability. Moreover, it is the law.


This course aims to provide the current practice for all kinds of employees who wish to have a greater understanding of First Aid. This training equips the trainees with the knowledge, practical skills, and understanding required to provide appropriate first-aid treatment in the workplace in compliance with the requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work. Therefore, upon completion of this training program, the trainees will be able to:

  • Understand the new responsibilities of an Occupational First Aider
  • Provide appropriate treatment for preserving life
  • Minimize the consequences of injury until the arrival of medical assistance
  • Provide appropriate treatment for an injury that does not require the attention of a medical practitioner or nurse
  • Familiar with health & safety legislation on first aid in the workplace (e.g. Contents of First Aid Box)


The course content will cover a range of topics, including the roles of rescuers, how to handle sick/injured individuals, shock, CPR, choking, eye injuries, bleeding, wounds, burns, animal or insect bites, drowning, poisoning, and electrical injury. Especially, our training will cover the most important 3 modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to First Aid
  • Module 2: Emergency Life Support
  • Module 3: Workplace First Aid

Who should Attend?

This program is suitable for those staff or individuals who want to learn how to respond calmly and effectively in the event of an emergency. Specifically, this course is perfect for:

  • Administrative Professional
  • Safety Professionals
  • Nurse and Health Care Professional
  • Everyone in an organisation from security to the office staff who seeks to broaden their knowledge and improve their skills in Basic First Aid.

Trainer's Profile

He is currently a country First Aid project Manager and instructor for one of the largest humanitarian organizations in Cambodia. He is also a certified Professional Trainer of First Aid with more than 10 years of experience in providing First Aid treatment and training programs.

Fee Charged

The course fee is USD 170.00. It is inclusive of course materials, handouts, meals, refreshments, and certificates of completion but does exclude 10% of VAT amount.

We are offering an early bird registration fee to anyone who registers earlier. Interested participants or companies are encouraged to view the course details and early bird registration deadline. For further details on the early bird fee, please find the following:

USD 130 (Register before 29 June 2024)
USD 150 (Register before 12 July 2024)