Effective Communication and Team Building Skills


In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, it is crucial for employees to work collaboratively and communicate effectively to solve problems, innovate, and drive growth. Effective communication and team building skills are critical in a workplace setting, allowing employees to effectively collaborate, resolve conflicts, and innovate. These skills enable organizations to build cohesive teams and foster a positive work environment, ultimately driving productivity and success.

Effective communication and team building skills are essential for organizations to function efficiently and achieve their goals. These skills help in building strong relationships among team members, promoting trust, cooperation, and mutual respect. Effective communication ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and errors. It also encourages open dialogue, enabling team members to express their ideas, concerns, and feedback freely. This fosters a positive work culture, where employees feel valued and engaged. Additionally, effective team building skills enhance productivity, as teams can work together more efficiently and effectively. Overall, organizations that prioritize these skills create a workplace that is conducive to collaboration, innovation, and success.

The course will delve into the intricacies of effective communication and team building skills, which are vital for modern organizations to function optimally and achieve their objectives. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of effective teamwork and communication, exploring four distinct teamwork personalities and five conflict resolution techniques. It also focuses on enhancing team dynamics and productivity through the development of effective management skills.


This course aims to help the trainees to identify and overcome common communication barriers, honing key communication techniques essential for successful team interactions. It also emphasizes team development and talent programs to transform individuals into proficient team players. Therefore, upon completion of this training program, the trainees are expected to have the ability to:

  • Understand common communication barriers and effective ways to overcome them
  • Increase understanding of the difference between communication and effective communication for better teamwork
  • Learn how to coordinate and work smoothly as a group and team
  • Learn about the 5 key components of team development stages
  • Practice using teamwork evaluation question surveys for personal and team development plan
  • Reflect on individual results and create a personal development plan for effective teamwork and personal growth.


The course explores the foundations of effective teamwork, covering topics such as the different personalities within a team, conflict resolution techniques, and strategies for maximizing productivity. Additionally, trainees will gain insights into communication barriers and essential communication techniques. Specifically, our training will cover the most important 4 modules:

  • Module 1: Groupwork Vs. Teamwork
  • Module 2: Communication skill for Teamwork
  • Module 3: Stage of Team Development
  • Module 4: Building an Effective Teamwork

Who should Attend?

This course will benefit a diverse group of professionals seeking to enhance their communication and team-building capabilities. It benefits individuals who actively participate in or manage team-based projects, seeking to create an open and productive work environment that fosters collaboration and success. Specifically, this course is perfect for:

  • Officer
  • Supervisors
  • Executive
  • Assistant Managers
  • New managers

Trainer's Profile

He is currently serving as a training lead at a top specialized bank in Cambodia, he is a certified training professional with FAA accreditation from Malaysia. With more than 15 years of experience in training the trainers (TTT), leadership, management, effective team building, culture change management, personal development planning, and other soft skill training

Fee Charged

The course fee is USD 270.00. It is inclusive of course materials, handouts, meals, refreshments, and certificates of completion but do exclude 10% of VAT amount.

We are offering an early bird registration fee to anyone who registers earlier. Interested participants or companies are encouraged to view the course details and early bird registration deadline. For further details on early bird fee, please find following:

USD 230 (Register before 7 March 2024)
USD 250 (Register before 15 March 2024)