SME Credit Assessment Skills


There are challenges in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) lending including how to decide whether to proceed with the loan transaction, what information is required for a credit application, whether the facts presented are consistent with the financial numbers, and what the financial information means. It requires the lenders to have a systematic approach to systematically organizing, analyzing, and assessing the credit information before approval for the loan proposal.

Credit Assessment is a critical aspect involving a review of an SME's financial statements that determine the SME credit approval. This skill and knowledge allows the lenders to have a systematic approach to systematically organizing the credit information, not just to obtain the approval for the loan proposal but also to establish credibility and trust with both internal stakeholders and customers, prioritizing quality loan transactions and building good business relationships to identify potential banking business opportunities.

This training program provides trainees with an overview of the analytic skills needed in the credit assessment of SME borrowers or counterparties. The trainees will use a structured and systematic approach to evaluate the credit standing of SMEs, with a focus on the tools needed to realistically forecast the key cash flow drivers that help them make informed decisions about their creditworthiness and ability to pay back the loan.


The training aims to equip the lenders with a systematic approach to systematically organizing the credit information, not just obtaining approval for the loan proposal, but establishing credibility and trust with both internal stakeholders and customers, prioritizing quality loan transactions, and building good business relationships to identify potential banking and financial service business opportunities. Therefore, upon completion of this training program, the trainees are expected to have the ability to:

  • Complete a basic SME credit application write-up
  • Identify business information to be an effective business marketing lender and build better business relationships with SME borrowers
  • Equip with credit tools to conduct SME credit analysis, ask for intelligence and obtain a higher approval rate.


The course content will cover the most important below 5 modules:

  • Module 1. Credit Process and Preliminary Analyzing
  • Module 2: Gathering SME Information
  • Module 3: Conducting SME Credit Analysis
  • Module 4: Standardization of SME Credit Write-Up
  • Module 5: Credit Thinking Hat Techniques

Who should Attend?

This course will benefit credit analysts and professionals in banking and finance who assess the creditworthiness of SMEs. It's also suitable for those interested in enhancing their knowledge and skills in SME credit assessment. Specifically, this course is perfect for:

  • Credit Risk Management Professionals
  • Relationship Managers
  • Credit Analyst Professionals
  • SME & Commercial and Corporate Lending Professionals
  • Branch Managers
  • Professionals with less than 5 years of credit experience from the Banking and Financial Industry.

Trainer's Profile

He is an experienced Credit Trainer with over 20 years of credit industry experience and 10 years of credit training experience. He is a certified trainer in Credit Skills Assessment (CSA) by Omega Performance and a Certified Training Professional (CTP) by ITD. In addition, he is also a practitioner of NLP.

Fee Charged

The course fee is USD 350.00. It is inclusive of course materials, handouts, meals, refreshments, and certificates of completion but do exclude 10% of VAT amount.

We are offering an early bird registration fee to anyone who registers earlier. Interested participants or companies are encouraged to view the course details and early bird registration deadline. For further details on early bird fee, please find following:

  • USD 300 (Register before 21 June 2024)
  • USD 320 (Register before 11 July 2024)